
Stable release

As module

To install pyPOCQuantui, just run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install pyPOCQuant

Installing pyPOCQuantui this way ensures that you get always the latest release.

If you don’t have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

As stand alone executable

If you want to install pyPOCQuantui on your system without installing Python yourself just download the pre-compiled executable matching your operating system:

Install tesseract following these instructions depending your operating system:


Make sure tesseract is on PATH of your environment.

pypocquantui can then be used trough its graphical user interface (GUI) directly.

From sources

All platforms

The latest sources for pypocquantui can be downloaded from the Github repo.

pyPOCQuant requires python 3.6. It is recommended to use miniconda. When miniconda is installed, start the terminal and type:

  1. Install system Python3 or miniconda3.

If you have other Python installations it is good practice to install everything new into a separate environment. Also such an environment can be later used to create a snapshot of your installation and shared with other to build exactly the identical environment.

  1. Create a new environment “pyPOCQuantEnv” with:

$ conda create -n pyPOCQuantEnv python=3.6
$ activate pyPOCQuantEnv


More information about conda environments can be found here

  1. You can clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://

Once you have a copy of the source, navigate into the directory pypocquantui and install dependencies with:


${platform} is one of win32.txt, linux.txt, or osx.txt.

Then to start the UI run:

$ fbs run

If you use PyCharm make sure you open the project with its root folder and add


to the run configuration.


Install the following dependences (instructions for Ubuntu Linux):

$ sudo apt install libzmq3-dev, tesseract-ocr, libzbar0


To install the required dependencies we recommend to use the packaging manager brew. Install it from here if you have’t allready Install brew .

$ brew install zbar
$ brew install tesseract

Build from source

To compile and create a pyPOCQuantUI installer, perform following steps. In the following {ppcqui_root} points to the root folder of the pyPOCQuantUI checked-out code.


$ cd ${ppcqui_root}
$ python ./

You will find the installer in ${ppcqui_root}targetpyPOCQuant.


$ sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev rubygems build-essential
$ sudo gem install --no-document fpm
$ cd ${ppcqui_root}
$ python ./

This will create a ${ppcqui_root}/target/pyPOCQuant/pyPOCQuant.deb package that can be installed and redistributed.

$ sudo apt install ${ppcqui_root}/target/pyPOCQuant/pyPOCQuant.deb

Please notice that client machines will need to install also two dependences:

$ sudo apt install tesseract-ocr, libzbar0
$ sudo apt install ${ppcqui_root}/target/pyPOCQuant/pyPOCQuant.deb


$ cd ${ppcqui_root}
$ python ./


  • Depending on your Python installation, you may need to use pip3 instead of pip.

  • For both running it from source or with the compiled binaries zbar and tesseract needs to be installed and be on PATH. On Windows zbar libs are installed automatically.