Citing pyPOCQuantΒΆ

If you find pyPOCQuant useful please cite our paper:

Cuny, A. P., Rudolf, F., & Ponti, A. (2020). pyPOCQuant - A tool to automatically quantify Point-Of-Care Tests from images. MedRxiv,.

or this repository using its DOI as follows: (update once available)

Note: this DOI will resolve to the first version of pyPOCQuant.

        author    = {Andreas P. Cuny and Fabian Rudolf and Aaron Ponti},
        title     = {A tool to automatically quantify Point-Of-Care Tests from images},
        journal   = {MedRxiv},
        year      = {2020},
        doi       = {10.1101/2020.11.08.20227470}